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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Budapest Convention on Cybercrime: 20 years of existence

The Budapest Convention on Cybercrime (ETS n°185) was enacted and opened for signature on November 23, 2001. Since then, the Convention ha entered into force in 66 countries worldwide.  The Council of Europe website provides the list of States which have adopted the Convention. We will emphasize that : 

- All EU member States are party to the Convention.

-  Great powers have joined in this project (the United States, Canada, Australia...). But many others, which appear to be hotspots of the international cybercrime, are absent (Brazil, China, Russia, India...)

The map below shows all of the countries in which the Convention has entered into force since 2001.

Even if the number of partners is honorable today, it should be noted that this result is the fruit of 20 years of work. The annual rate of integration remains relatively low (below, the number of countries which annually adopt the Convention).

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