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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Persecução Penal do Hate Speech no Ciber Espaço

"Persecução Penal do Hate Speech no Ciber Espaço", Monique Patricia Ferreira Lima; Guilherme Caselli de Araújo, Estudos contemporâneos de polícia judiciária,  São Paulo, Agosto, 2018, pp.59-68

Updated version of the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms

"DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms", new version, as of August 2018. The list of modifications is available on page 385 of the document. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cyber Defense : bilateral cooperation between Chile and the U.S.A

"Secretary Mattis and Minister Espina affirmed the strong military-to-military cooperation between the Chilean and U.S . Armed Forces, including efforts to foster collaboration and cooperation in cyber defense". More details...

Prevalence and forms of cybercrime perpetrated by students in public tertiary institutions in Ekiti state

"Prevalence and forms of cybercrime perpetrated by students in public tertiary institutions in Ekiti state", article by Prevalence and forms of cybercrime perpetrated by students in public tertiary institutions in Ekiti state,  International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research, Vol. 2, No. 04; 2018. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Prosecuting cybercrime: the experience of Singapore

"Prosecuting cybercrime: the experience of Singapore", Speech by Attorney-General of the Republic of Singapore, Lucien Wong, S.C., 11th China-ASEAN Prosecutors-General Conference, Brunei Darussalam, 14 August 2018

Monday, August 27, 2018

An Argument for Interdisciplinary Programs in Cybersecurity

Architecture of aggression in cyberspace: Testing cyber aggression in young adults in Hungary

Katalin Parti, Tibor Kiss, Gergely Koplanyi, "Architecture of aggression in cyberspace: Testing cyber aggression in young adults in Hungary", International Journal of Cybersecurity Intelligence & Cybercrime, Vol.1, Issue 1, August 2018, pp. 56-68. 
"In order to test whether and how violence is exacerbated in online social networking sites, we utilized the BryantSmith Aggression Scale (Bryant & Smith, 2001), and included examples in the questionnaire offering solutions for 7 different hypothetical cases occurring online (Kiss, 2017)...."

Conference: "Evidence in the Cloud: new challenges in collecting evidence on cyberspace in the European Union"

Conference: "Evidence in the Cloud: new challenges in collecting evidence on cyberspace in the European Union". EJTN Criminal Justice Seminar. 27-28 September, 2018. High School for Judiciary – Scandicci (Florence). Programme

Conference: "Strengthening Capacities in Internet Governance in Africa”

ITU Annual Regional Human Capacity Building Workshop on "Strengthening Capacities in Internet Governance in Africa”, Abuja, 27-29 August, 2018. Programme.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

#IslamicState: An Analysis of Tweets in Support of ISIS After the November 2015 Attacks In Paris

"#IslamicState: An Analysis of Tweets in Support of ISIS After the November 2015 AttacksIn Paris", thesis by Amanda R. Guthrie,  Faculty of Auburn University, August 2018, 102 pages. 
This study is based on content analysis  of 16,891 Tweets posted after the 2015 Attacks in Paris. 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

China-U.S. Trade Issues - Congressional Research Service

Wayne M. Morrison, "China-U.S. Trade Issues" - Congressional Research Service, July 30, 2018, 91 pages, Washington. 
Read the chapter on Cybersecurity Issues (pp.45-49)

Friday, August 24, 2018

The internet of things: applications and challenges for the RSAF

"The internet of things: applications and challenges for the RSAF", by ME6(DR) Reuben Lim Chi Keong, MAJ Pek Wee Kian & ME5 David Bey. Pointer, Journal of the Singapore Armed Forces, Vol. 44, n°2, 2018, pp.24-34, Singapore. 

"What is this IoT? Is it just about wearable smartwatches, or does it hold more potential? More importantly, how can it be applied in a military context to the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), enabling a shift in non real-time, human-centric operations, to real-time, machine-centric operations? This essay explores how IoT will quicken and broaden the traditional Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, and investigates how IoT can be applied to improve operations in a ‘smart airbase’..."

From Digital Traces to Algorithmic Projections

"From Digital Traces to Algorithmic Projections", by Thierry Berthier and Bruno Teboul, ISTE Press - Elsevier, 184 pages, October 2018. 

"From Digital Traces to Algorithmic Projections describes individual digital fingerprints in interaction with the different algorithms they encounter throughout life. Centered on the human user, this formalism makes it possible to distinguish the voluntary projections of an individual and their systemic projections (suffered, metadata), both open (public) and closed. As the global algorithmic projection of an individual is now the focus of attention (Big Data, neuromarketing, targeted advertising, sentiment analysis, cybermonitoring, etc.) and is used to define new concepts, this resource discusses the ubiquity of place and the algorithmic consent of a user."

Reading Thieves’ Cant: Automatically Identifying and Understanding Dark Jargons from Cybercrime Marketplaces

"Reading Thieves’ Cant: Automatically Identifying and Understanding Dark Jargons from Cybercrime Marketplaces", by Kan Yuan, Haoran Lu, Xiaojing Liao, and XiaoFeng Wang, Indiana University Bloomington, Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium. August 15–17, 2018 • Baltimore, MD, USA. 
"Underground communication is invaluable for understanding cybercrimes. However, it is often obfuscated by the extensive use of dark jargons, innocently-looking terms like “popcorn” that serves sinister purposes (buying/selling drug, seeking crimeware, etc.). Discovery and understanding of these jargons have so far relied on manual effort, which is error-prone and cannot catch up with the fast evolving underground ecosystem. In this paper, we present the first technique, called Cantreader, to automatically detect and understand dark jargon..."

Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace - NSCS - July 2018

Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace - NSCS - July 2018, 20 pages. The National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC) "released its 2018 Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace report, which highlights current threats and future trends in foreign intelligence efforts to steal U.S. intellectual property, trade secrets, and proprietary information via cyberspace".

Chinese Cyberespionage Originating From Tsinghua University Infrastructure

Chinese Cyberespionage Originating From Tsinghua University Infrastructure, By Sanil Chohan, Winnona DeSombre, and Justin Grosfelt, 26 pages, 2018. 

1st Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime

1st Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime. Mt. Scopus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 14-15 october, 2018. Program, registration

The European Society of Criminology Working Group on Cybercrime

The European Society of Criminology Working Group on Cybercrime aims at "creating a network for information exchange and international collaboration between leading scholars, starting scholars, graduate students, government agencies, and private organizations involved in cybercrime research". 

The state of Canadian cybersecurity workshop

"The state of Canadian cybersecurity workshop ", October 24-25, 2018. Gatineau (Quebec). SERENE-RISC Annual Workshop. Confirmed speakers

Politicas pùblicas para el acceso a Internet en Venezuela

Raisa Urribarrí y Marianne Díaz, "Politicas pùblicas para el acceso a Internet en Venezuela", Julio 2018, 48 paginas. 
"El deterioro de las telecomunicaciones en Venezuela, conjuntamente con las restricciones al flujo de información digital y las acciones de violencia contra periodistas y ciudadanos a causa de sus actividades en línea, construyen un panorama de control efectivo de las comunicaciones en internet. Este estudio describe los últimos dieciocho años de un complejo fenómeno, tomando en consideración el contexto histórico, político y social a través del análisis de un conjunto de indicadores e hitos, resumidos en esta infografía, que nos permiten trazar la historia de la infraestructura de las telecomunicaciones y las restricciones del acceso a internet en Venezuela."

I Simposium Nacional sobre Cibercriminalidad y Amenazas Tecnológicas Globales. Sevilla, 6 Oct 2018

I Simposium Nacional sobre Cibercriminalidad y Amenazas Tecnológicas Globales. Sevilla, 6 Oct 2018. Programa

Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime via Online Anonymous Markets

"Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime viaOnline Anonymous Markets", Rolf van Wegberg and alt., Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium. August 15–17, 2018 • Baltimore, MD, USA, 19 pages. 
"Researchers have observed the increasing commoditization of cybercrime, that is, the offering of capabilities, services, and resources as commodities by specialized suppliers in the underground economy. Commoditization enables outsourcing, thus lowering entry barriers for aspiring criminals, and potentially driving further growth in cybercrime. While there is evidence in the literature of specific examples of cybercrime commoditization, the overall phenomenon is much less understood. Which parts of cybercrime value chains are successfully commoditized, and which are not? What kind of revenue do criminal business-to-business (B2B) services generate and how fast are they growing?..."

FY2019 - Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic plan implementation roadmap - USA

FY2019 - Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic plan implementation roadmap - Executive Office of the President of the United States. August 2018. 6 pages. 
This document "lists key Federal projects and programs that directly contribute to solving the cybersecurity challenges outlined in the 2016 Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plan. This document accompanies the NITRD Supplement to the President’s FY2019 Budget Request, available at"
Four defensive areas have been defined: Deter, Protect, Detect, Adapt. R&D programs are listed in alphabetical order by agency (page 2-4)

Kensho Cyber Security Index GTR

Kensho Cyber Security Index GTR - 23.08.2018. (index published by Solactive)

Monday, August 20, 2018

"Surface d'attaque" - article revue MISC août 2018

Article: "La surface d'attaque", Daniel Ventre, revue MISC n°98, juillet-août 2018, pp.78-82. 

DoD Annual Report - Military Power of China - 201

Publication of the new Annual Report to Congress - Department of Defense (USA) - "Military and Security Developmens Involving the People's Republic of China 2018". 145 pages. 

Où on apprend finalement peu de choses à propos de la cybersécurité/défense chinoise et du regard que portent sur elle l'armée américaine. Ce qui est dit là, l'a déjà été à maintes reprises par le passé: capacités défensives et offensives, organisation militaire, etc. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Defense Information Systems Network (DISN)

De par sa forme, ce document nous rappelle que la génération Power Point n'a pas fini de sévir. Ni celle des adeptes de l'abréviation: DISN, FY, A-ISR, JFHQ, SIPR, JWICS, MiFi, SDN, JRSS, VNF, NFV, LSTDM...

Critique de la cybersécurité des sites publics du DoD

Courrier adressé par le sénateur américain Ron Wyden à Dana Deasy (Chief Information Officer. US DoD). 22 Mai 2018.  Critique le niveau de cybersécurité du DoD concernant ses sites publics, et demande la mise en oeuvre de meilleures pratiques en la matière. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

New DHS Cybersecurity Strategy - May 15, 2018

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity Strategy, May 15, 2018, Washington, 35 pages,

Le DHS vient de publier sa nouvelle stratégie de cybersécurité en se fixant des objectifs à 6 ans. Le Département veut avoir d'ici là amélioré la gestion des risques de cybersécurité, en renforçant la résilience et la sécurité des systèmes gouvernementaux et des infrastructures critiques, mais aussi en ayant réduit la cybercriminalité, amélioré les réponses apportées aux cyber-incidents, et renforcé l'écosystème de cybersécurité. Les objectifs sont déclinés en 6 piliers (voir page 3 du rapport). 
Le rapport décline des objectifs, des principes, des menaces, mais se garde de nommer les adversaires, les sources des attaques. Il n'est ainsi jamais question explicitement de la Russie, de l'Iran, de la Chine... Il n'est fait mention que d'Etats, d'acteurs non étatiques, du crime, etc. L'annexe, page 28 et suiv. est d'autre part intéressante en ce qu'elle illustre, bien que partiellement, le socle juridique qu'ont construit les Etats-Unis au fil des ans et sur lesquels peut désormais reposer leur action, tant au niveau national qu'international. 

Soulignons que cette publication arrive au moment même où Donald Trump annonce la disparition du poste de coordinateur de la cybersécurité à la Maison Blanche (fonction créée par B.Obama en 2009). L'objectif serait une réduction de la bureaucratie. Les détracteurs s'étonnent quant à eux de cette décision, alors que les Etats-Unis semblent exposés à des cybermenaces plus pesantes que jamais. 


Monday, April 16, 2018

Speech at CyberUK18 - Director GCHQ

Speech at CyberUK18 - Director GCHQ, 12 April 2018, 10 pages. 

"Thankfully, I’ve always been an optimist where technology is concerned  [...] Like many of my staff, I like to see the wider societal promise in technology not the threat".  


"Of course, there are dangers and pitfalls in this progress [...] Hostile states, terrorists and criminals are emboldened and assisted by technology  [...]  Al Qaeda and Daesh have used online platforms to spread propaganda [...]  criminal groups have built massive online spoofing schemes [...]  paedophiles use both the Dark and Open parts of the Web..."

Full Scope Cybersecurity, Dr. Robert Templeman, SSTM

"Harnessing the power of tech fnologyor the warfighter. Full Scope Cybersecurity", Dr. Robert Templeman, SSTM, PPT Presentation, 27 slides, April 2018. 

Cyber Operations Today: Preparing for 21st Century Challenges in an InformationEnabled Society

Michael Chertoff (Former Secretary of Homeland Security 2005-2009), Hearing before the House Armed Services Committee “Cyber Operations Today: Preparing for 21st Century Challenges in an InformationEnabledSociety” April 11 th 2018, 9 pages. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Understanding Federal Cybersecurity

"Understanding Federal Cybersecurity", by Kate Charlet, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 58 pages, April 2018. 

Building a Canadian Cyberwarfare Capability

"Building a CanadianCyberwarfare Capability", by Chris Cowan and Hannah Delaney, Conference of Defence Associations Institute, Ottawa, 8 pages, April 2018. "On 31 January 2018, the CDA Institute was pleased to host 'Building a Canadian Cyberwarfare Capability' [...] this event brought together five distinguished speakers from the Canadian Armed Forces and the private sector..."

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Report - COVERING CYBER Media Coverage of Cyber Issues Since 2014

An interesting study titled "COVERING CYBERMedia Coverage of Cyber Issues Since 2014" has just been published (April, 2018) by the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (George Washington University). The author, Sean Aday, " analyzes media coverage of cyber issues in major American newspapers and network and cable news broadcasts since 2014 to assess how these issues are being framed in the press". Among his main conclusions let's mention that :
- "Despite more attention to them, cyber stories were not prominently featured in the news"
- "Cyber is primarily a hacking and cyber security story"
- "In 2016, cyber increasingly became a political story"
- "Cyber is a U.S.-centric issue in American media. Stories rarely discussed the global ramifications of cyber issues"
- "“Villains” in cyber stories are typically hackers, though also frequently governments, including the United States." "The U.S. (in 2014), China (in 2015), and Russia (in 2016 and 2017) traded off being the countries most likely to be villains"
- " villains are far more likely to be “hackers” than tech giants potentially invading customers’ privacy"
- "Who speaks? The tech industry and the U.S. government"
- " By contrast, privacy experts, citizens, and international experts were rarely quoted"