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Monday, March 6, 2017

Scénarios pour un monde d'objets connectés: mieux vaut en rire?

"I think we all find it comfortable if our refrigerators re-order milk in the future, … but it might be disturbing of the milk starts ordering refrigerators after a hack attack.” (source de la citation, page 7).

Les compteurs électriques "intelligents" surestiment largement la consommation réelle des foyers. Selon une étude menée par l'Université de Twente (Pays-Bas). 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

ICCWS 2018 - Call for Papers

ICCWS 2018 - Call for Papers. Abstracts submission deadline: 17 August 2017. Topics: cyber warfare, cyber crime, cyber defence, etc. The conference will be held in Washington DC, USA. 

UCLAN Conference on cybercrime

UCLAN Conference on cybercrime, 3-4 July 2017, Lancashire, UK. Abstract submission deadline: 30th April 2017. 

ICCCIS 2017 - Call for Contributions

ICCCIS 2017: 19th International Conference on Cyber Crime and Information Security. May 25-26, 2017, London. Call for contributions: deadline March 20, 2017. 

Cyber Security Summer School - Estonia - July 10-14, 2017

Cyber Security Summer School - Tallinn, Estonia - July 10-14, 2017. 

A main focus on this year's Cyber Security Summer School will be social engineering. With experts from all faculties, including computer science, law, criminology, forensics and psychology, the Summer School tries to give an impression on how and why social engineering works, how to prevent social engineering and how to find evidence for social engineering attacks. 
Cyber Security Summer School 2017 is organised by Information Technology Foundation for Education (Estonia), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (Germany), the University of Adelaide (Australia), the University of Tartu (Estonia), and supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. 

Ecole d'été Defence Security Cyber (DSC) 26-29 juin 2017

Ecole d'été Defence Security Cyber 26-29 juin 2017. L’Initiative d’Excellence (IdEx Bordeaux) et le Forum Montesquieu de l’université de Bordeaux organisent en juin 2017 la troisième session de l’International Summer School « Defence Security Cyber » (DSC). Programme, inscriptions...

Thursday, March 2, 2017

AJIC Call for Submissions: 2017 Thematic Section on Cyber Security

AJIC Call for Submissions: 2017 Thematic Section on Cyber Security. The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC) is seeking submissions for a 2017 Thematic Section on Interdisciplinary Cyber Security Studies. 

Submission deadline: 30 April 2017

Submissions: Submit to Dr Kiru Pillay:

Text of the call