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Thursday, February 15, 2024

EU - ENISA - "LEO Satcom Cybersecurity Assessment"

Report of the ENISA on "LEO SATCOM Cybersecurity Assessment". February 2024, 50 pages. 

"This report covers the topic of cybersecurity of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations delivering telecommunications services (LEO satcom in short). ... The survey on past cyber incidents shows that most attacks fall roughly into two categories: data theft through reverse engineering of user link transmission techniques; and denial of service, targeting either the ground or space segments, possibly resulting in a service degradation or outage. The first category of incidents calls for the use of common encryption techniques. The second calls for standards and recommendations in cyber protection, which are applicable to all segments of space systems".

USA - RAND reports on Machine Learning

A lire, deux nouveaux rapports sur les utilisations du ML pour la gestion des RH dans le domaine militaire (ici l'Air Force). 

Leveraging Machine Learning to Improve Human Resource Management. Volume 1, Key Findings and Recommendations for Policymakers. 12 Feb., 2024. RAND Corporation

MachineLearning in Air Force Human Resource Management. Volume 2, A Framework for Vetting Use Cases with Example Applications, 15 Feb., 2024. RAND Corporation

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Israel - Iran: "The Iranian Cyber Threat"

L'INSS (Israël) publie un rapport rédigé par Chuck Freilich sur le thème : "The Iranian Cyber Threat" (Memorandum 230, January 2024). Il y est question de la cyber stratégie iranienne, des cyberattaques majeures de l'Iran dans le monde (principalement contre Israël, les USA et quelques pays occidentaux), et du niveau de menace que constitue l'Iran pour Israël dans le domaine cyber. 

USA - DODIN Defense in a Dynamic Cyber Environment

Here is a ppt document, written by Mr. Darrell Fountain, Chief, CSSP Programs Office, DISA J34 (13 February 2024). In this document, titled "DODIN Defense in a Dynamic Cyber Environment", a message is highlighted: in terms of cyber defense, it is imperative to bring together the various cyber skills. This message is constructed with the accumulation of terms whose meaning converges: collaboratively, synchronizing, common, partner, integrating...

Lets' remind that "The DODIN is a federated technological environment of over 15,000 unclassified and classified networked and cloud environments around the world managed by 45 combatant commands, Services, and DoD agencies and field activities". 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

USA - A lire: RAND Report. Testimony presented before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission on February 1, 2024

RAND Report. Testimony presented before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission on February 1, 2024. Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga, "Exploring the Implications of Generative AI for Chinese Military Cyber-Enabled Influence Operations. Chinese Military Strategies, Capabilities, and Intent". 

Cette audition renvoie à une précédente publication sur le même sujet: 

William Marcellino, Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga, Amanda Kerrigan, Lev Navarre Chao, and Jackson Smith, The Rise of Generative AI and the Coming Era of Social Media Manipulation 3.0: Next-Generation Chinese Astroturfing and Coping with Ubiquitous AI, RAND Corporation, PE-A2679-1, September 2023, 

USA - "DoD Cybersecurity Policy Chart" - updated version

Le Département de la Défense américain vient de publier une version mise à jour de sa " "DoD Cybersecurity Policy Chart" (January 18, 2024). Ce document ambitionne de montrer en une seule page la totalité des documents de référence encadrant la gestion et l'organisation des systèmes d'information du DoD. 

"The goal of the DoD Cybersecurity Policy Chart is to capture the tremendous breadth of applicable policies, some of which many cybersecurity professionals may not even be aware". On retiendra les derniers mots de la phrase. Il n'est guère étonnant que les premiers concernés ignorent partie des règles, tant le nombre de documents est grand. La simplification administrative n'est visiblement pas encore à l'ordre du jour dans ces méga-organisations.