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Friday, August 24, 2018

Politicas pùblicas para el acceso a Internet en Venezuela

Raisa Urribarrí y Marianne Díaz, "Politicas pùblicas para el acceso a Internet en Venezuela", Julio 2018, 48 paginas. 
"El deterioro de las telecomunicaciones en Venezuela, conjuntamente con las restricciones al flujo de información digital y las acciones de violencia contra periodistas y ciudadanos a causa de sus actividades en línea, construyen un panorama de control efectivo de las comunicaciones en internet. Este estudio describe los últimos dieciocho años de un complejo fenómeno, tomando en consideración el contexto histórico, político y social a través del análisis de un conjunto de indicadores e hitos, resumidos en esta infografía, que nos permiten trazar la historia de la infraestructura de las telecomunicaciones y las restricciones del acceso a internet en Venezuela."

I Simposium Nacional sobre Cibercriminalidad y Amenazas Tecnológicas Globales. Sevilla, 6 Oct 2018

I Simposium Nacional sobre Cibercriminalidad y Amenazas Tecnológicas Globales. Sevilla, 6 Oct 2018. Programa

Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime via Online Anonymous Markets

"Plug and Prey? Measuring the Commoditization of Cybercrime viaOnline Anonymous Markets", Rolf van Wegberg and alt., Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium. August 15–17, 2018 • Baltimore, MD, USA, 19 pages. 
"Researchers have observed the increasing commoditization of cybercrime, that is, the offering of capabilities, services, and resources as commodities by specialized suppliers in the underground economy. Commoditization enables outsourcing, thus lowering entry barriers for aspiring criminals, and potentially driving further growth in cybercrime. While there is evidence in the literature of specific examples of cybercrime commoditization, the overall phenomenon is much less understood. Which parts of cybercrime value chains are successfully commoditized, and which are not? What kind of revenue do criminal business-to-business (B2B) services generate and how fast are they growing?..."

FY2019 - Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic plan implementation roadmap - USA

FY2019 - Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic plan implementation roadmap - Executive Office of the President of the United States. August 2018. 6 pages. 
This document "lists key Federal projects and programs that directly contribute to solving the cybersecurity challenges outlined in the 2016 Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plan. This document accompanies the NITRD Supplement to the President’s FY2019 Budget Request, available at"
Four defensive areas have been defined: Deter, Protect, Detect, Adapt. R&D programs are listed in alphabetical order by agency (page 2-4)

Kensho Cyber Security Index GTR

Kensho Cyber Security Index GTR - 23.08.2018. (index published by Solactive)

Monday, August 20, 2018

"Surface d'attaque" - article revue MISC août 2018

Article: "La surface d'attaque", Daniel Ventre, revue MISC n°98, juillet-août 2018, pp.78-82. 

DoD Annual Report - Military Power of China - 201

Publication of the new Annual Report to Congress - Department of Defense (USA) - "Military and Security Developmens Involving the People's Republic of China 2018". 145 pages. 

Où on apprend finalement peu de choses à propos de la cybersécurité/défense chinoise et du regard que portent sur elle l'armée américaine. Ce qui est dit là, l'a déjà été à maintes reprises par le passé: capacités défensives et offensives, organisation militaire, etc.