"Statement of Admiral Michael S. Rogers", Commander, United States Cyber Command, Before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, 9 May 2017, 11 pages.
eConflicts is a blog about cyberconflicts, cyberwar, cyberdefense, cybersecurity, information warfare, cybercrime, political science and international relations
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Big Data Analytics Techniques for Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Review
"Big Data Analytics Techniques for CreditCard Fraud Detection: A Review", M. Sathyapriya, Dr. V. Thiagarasu, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), ISSN (Online): 2319-7064, Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391.
Review of the Current State of UAV Regulations
"Review of the Current State of UAV Regulations", Claudia Stöcker & alt., Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 459; doi:10.3390/rs9050459,
"UAVs—unmanned aerial vehicles—facilitate data acquisition at temporal and spatial
scales that still remain unachievable for traditional remote sensing platforms. However, current legal
frameworks that regulate UAVs present significant barriers to research and development. To highlight
the importance, impact, and diversity of UAV regulations, this paper provides an exploratory
investigation of UAV regulations on the global scale....http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/9/5/459/pdf"
17th Annual Conference of the ESC
17th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 13-16 September 2017. Cardiff, UK.
- Submission period opens March 17, 2017
- Submission closes: 15 June, 2017
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Gender Policy - Ministry of Defence - Republic of Kenya
Le Ministère de la Défense de la République du Kenya vient de publier un rapport (mai 2017) intitulé "Gender Policy" dans lequel peut lire : "Technology has enhanced habitability and survivability in combat making it easier for both men
and women to engage in operations. The emerging trends in conflict call for complementary roles
of men and women for example in cyber warfare, terrorism inter alia. This type of warfare presents
opportunities for women through the entire war spectrum".
Mais le document ne revenant plus par la suite sur les enjeux "cyber", nous ne comprenons pas en quoi hommes et femmes peuvent être complémentaires dans le cyberconflit, ni en quoi ce dernier offre des opportunités particulières aux femmes.
Notons par ailleurs que le même ministère vient de publier son Livre Blanc (23 pages, 2017) accordant en tout et pour tout 6 lignes au domaine "cyber": "Information technology, web based communication and use
of electronic devices for storage predisposes sensitive Government
information to organized cyber attacks which can undermine
state security. The Ministry of Defence in collaboration with other
stakeholders must develop appropriate capacity and institute
measures to safeguard Information systems infrastructure." C'est donc le Ministère de la Défense qui, au Kenya, aura la charge de la cybersécurité de l'infrastructure des systèmes d'information (le texte est imprécis sur ce point: s'agit-il des seules infrastructures de communication militaires, ou bien de celles du pays en général?).
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Trump–Modi Agenda for Next Steps in U.S.–India Cybersecurity Cooperation
"Trump–Modi Agenda for Next Steps in U.S.–India
Cybersecurity Cooperation", James Jay Carafano & alt., The Heritage Foundation, Issue Brief, No. 4697 | May 1, 2017. Download.
Monday, May 1, 2017
Is There a Common Understanding of Dual-Use?: The Case of Cryptography
"Is There a CommonUnderstanding of Dual-Use?:The Case of Cryptography", Veronica Vella, STR Review, Volume 3, Issue 4, Spring 2017, pp. 103-122
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