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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

UK - Cyber security breaches survey 2017

"Cyber security breaches survey 2017", Main Report, April 2017, 66 pages, UK. 
"This report details the findings from a quantitative and qualitative survey with UK businesses on cyber security. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) commissioned the survey as part of the National Cyber Security Programme, following a previous comparable study by the Department published in 2016. 1 It was carried out by Ipsos MORI, in partnership with the Institute for Criminal Justice Studies at the University of Portsmouth, and comprised: ▪ a telephone survey of 1,523 UK businesses from 24 October 2016 to 11 January 20172 ▪ 30 in-depth interviews undertaken in January and February 2017 to follow up businesses that participated in the survey...."

Telstra Cyber Security Report 2017

"Telstra Cyber Security Report 2017", 2017, 52 pages. Download. "Telstra engaged a research firm, Frost & Sullivan, to interview professionals responsible for making IT security decisions within their organisation to obtain a number of key insights on a range of security topics. The report also draws on analysis of security information and data gathered from Telstra infrastructure, security products and our third-party security partners. The research firm’s online surveys obtained 360 responses. 58 per cent of these responses were from Asia and the remaining 42 per cent were from respondents based in Australia...."

Cyber Security in Canada

"Cyber Security in Canada: Practical Solutions to a Growing Problem", The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, April 2017, 44 pages. 

UNODA - Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security

G7 Declaration on responsible states behavior in cyberspace

"G7 Declaration on responsible states behavior in cyberspace". Lucca, 11 April 2017. 5 pages. Download the document

Getting beyond Norms When Violating the Agreement Becomes Customary Practice

"Getting beyond Norms When Violating the Agreement Becomes Customary Practice", Melissa Hathaway, CIGI Papers No. 127 — April 2017, 16 pages. 

About Cyber-Routine Activities Theory

"Capable Guardianship and CRISIS of IdentityTheft in the United States: ExpandingCyber-Routine Activities Theory", Back Sinchul, Sung Yongeun, Cruz Erik, International journal of crisis & safety, 2017 2(1) 16-24.