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Monday, April 16, 2018

Speech at CyberUK18 - Director GCHQ

Speech at CyberUK18 - Director GCHQ, 12 April 2018, 10 pages. 

"Thankfully, I’ve always been an optimist where technology is concerned  [...] Like many of my staff, I like to see the wider societal promise in technology not the threat".  


"Of course, there are dangers and pitfalls in this progress [...] Hostile states, terrorists and criminals are emboldened and assisted by technology  [...]  Al Qaeda and Daesh have used online platforms to spread propaganda [...]  criminal groups have built massive online spoofing schemes [...]  paedophiles use both the Dark and Open parts of the Web..."

Full Scope Cybersecurity, Dr. Robert Templeman, SSTM

"Harnessing the power of tech fnologyor the warfighter. Full Scope Cybersecurity", Dr. Robert Templeman, SSTM, PPT Presentation, 27 slides, April 2018. 

Cyber Operations Today: Preparing for 21st Century Challenges in an InformationEnabled Society

Michael Chertoff (Former Secretary of Homeland Security 2005-2009), Hearing before the House Armed Services Committee “Cyber Operations Today: Preparing for 21st Century Challenges in an InformationEnabledSociety” April 11 th 2018, 9 pages. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Understanding Federal Cybersecurity

"Understanding Federal Cybersecurity", by Kate Charlet, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 58 pages, April 2018. 

Building a Canadian Cyberwarfare Capability

"Building a CanadianCyberwarfare Capability", by Chris Cowan and Hannah Delaney, Conference of Defence Associations Institute, Ottawa, 8 pages, April 2018. "On 31 January 2018, the CDA Institute was pleased to host 'Building a Canadian Cyberwarfare Capability' [...] this event brought together five distinguished speakers from the Canadian Armed Forces and the private sector..."

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Report - COVERING CYBER Media Coverage of Cyber Issues Since 2014

An interesting study titled "COVERING CYBERMedia Coverage of Cyber Issues Since 2014" has just been published (April, 2018) by the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication (George Washington University). The author, Sean Aday, " analyzes media coverage of cyber issues in major American newspapers and network and cable news broadcasts since 2014 to assess how these issues are being framed in the press". Among his main conclusions let's mention that :
- "Despite more attention to them, cyber stories were not prominently featured in the news"
- "Cyber is primarily a hacking and cyber security story"
- "In 2016, cyber increasingly became a political story"
- "Cyber is a U.S.-centric issue in American media. Stories rarely discussed the global ramifications of cyber issues"
- "“Villains” in cyber stories are typically hackers, though also frequently governments, including the United States." "The U.S. (in 2014), China (in 2015), and Russia (in 2016 and 2017) traded off being the countries most likely to be villains"
- " villains are far more likely to be “hackers” than tech giants potentially invading customers’ privacy"
- "Who speaks? The tech industry and the U.S. government"
- " By contrast, privacy experts, citizens, and international experts were rarely quoted"